The 3K is a fun run or a race; it’s open to everyone of all abilities over 9 years old. It’s an off-road event that starts at Brookwood Nursery and then goes onto a grass course through the grounds of Swallowfield Park passing in front of the country house. It finishes at the Parish Hall via a cunning route through the finshermans’s gate.
Start / Finish
- Please be at Brookwood Nursery by 10:15am ready for a 10:30am start. We’lll be starting promptly
- 3K will start shortly after the 10K – just after 10:30
- On crossing the finish line, please move quickly away from the finish area
- The presentations will be at 12:00
The Route
Road Closures
- The race starts by crossing the road into the park. From here the route is traffic free apart from the odd, slow and bemused car travelling up the drive to Swallowfield Park.